"....paedophilia is actually an illness, it is not a criminal condition, it is an illness" - Archbishop Wilfrid

THE new Pope faces more child sex abuse controversy after a cardinal today branded paedophilia an illness NOT a crime.

The South African – among the 115 cardinals at the Vatican who elected Pope Francis earlier this week – called paedophilia a “psychological disorder”.

The cardinal spoke of two priests he knew who were abused as children and went on to become paedophiles. He continued to say that such a person cannot be punished because he himself was damaged.

The cardinal’s inflammatory comments came just three days after Pope Francis took up his new role.

Barbara Dorris, a victim of molestation by a Priest at her young age clearly stated that if paedophilia is a disease then its fine, but it's also a crime and crimes are punished, criminals are held accountable for what they did and what they do.

Whew! So much for the issue......

What's your take my dear readers; do you agree with the Cardinal or you share same views with the 'once-victim' Barbara Dorris....

Kindly share your views in the comment line.